Common Core Standards Information


Common Core


This information gives parents an introduction to California’s Common Core Standards and a summary of what students are expected to learn as they advance from kindergarten through grade 8. The standards are designed to reflect the knowledge and skills that our young people
need for success in college and careers. A common set of learning goals helps teachers and parents ensure students are challenged and making appropriate progress.

Why Common Core Standards?

California educators have joined a national movement to adopt common standards and
assessments for English language arts and mathematics. Currently, standards for what students should know and be able to do vary among states, as does the difficulty of the assessments used to determine whether students are meeting those standards. Common standards allow for collaboration among states on   best practices and professional development. Common learning goals provide a clear vision of what educators and parents in all states should aim for. These learning goals help ensure that students meet college and work expectations, are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society, and are provided with rigorous content and application of higher knowledge thinking. Benchmarked against international standards, the Common Core Standards assist students in their preparation to complete the requirements for enrollment at a California public university.

California’s Adoption of Common Core Standards

Adopted in California in August 2010, the K-12 Common Core State Standards were developed through a state-led effort to establish consistent and clear education standards for English language arts and mathematics. The initiative was launched by and supported by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association. In the Common Core Standard adoption process, California added supporting standards to complete the unique
picture necessary for California students.

The Common Core also added strength to the existing California standards by including additional standards for vocabulary and new standards for collaborative discussions. Literacy standards that focus on reading and writing instruction during history/social studies, science, and technology also were included. In mathematics, standards were added to demonstrate a
stronger emphasis on number sense and algebraic thinking. Implementation of the Common Core in California’s schools will occur in stages over the next few years.

Grade 3 Overview | Mathematics
Third grade students develop an understanding of multiplication and division and learn to fluently multiply and divide within 100. Students are expected to know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers by the end of third grade. Place value understanding is used for multi-digit computation and estimation. Fractions are introduced in the third grade with an emphasis on understanding fractions as numbers and their relative size and placement on the number line. In third grade students understand concepts of area and perimeter and solve
problems using liquid volume and mass.

• Solve multiplication and division word problems
• Understand the properties of multiplication

Commutative property of multiplication:

If you know 6 x 4 = 24, then you know 4 x 6 = 24.


Associative property of multiplication:


3 x 5 x 2 can be found by 3 x 5 = 15, then 15 x 2 = 30,
or by 5 x 2 = 10, then 3 x 10 = 30.

Distributive property of multiplication:
If 8 x 5 = 40
and 8 x 2 = 16,
then 8 x 7 is:
8 x (5 + 2)
(8 x 5) + (8 x 2)
40 + 16 = 56.

• Fluently multiply and divide within 100
• Know all products of two one-digit numbers
• Solve word problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Understand that multiplication and division are related
• Use place value to round numbers and know the value of each digit in a four-digit number
• Use place value understanding to solve multi-digit arithmetic
• Estimate reasonable answers using place value knowledge
• Understand fractions as numbers
• Recognize simple equivalent fractions
• Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator
• Know that 25 cents is ! of a dollar, 50 cents is " of a dollar and 75 cents is # of a dollar
• Tell and write time to the nearest minute
• Estimate and measure time, volume, and weight
• Understand area and perimeter
• Understand that shapes in different categories can also be in a larger category

Grade 3 Overview | English Language Arts

Third grade students interact with literature and informational text by comparing and contrasting stories, discussing a point of view and comparing it with the author’s, and describing a series of events, ideas, or concepts. Along with their reading, third grade writing is more sophisticated.

Students produce developed, focused, organized, and edited work. In writing informational pieces, they include charts or graphs and supply facts.

• Describe how characters’ actions contribute to the events
• Compare and contrast stories
• Independently read and understand grade-level literature
• Describe a series of events, ideas, or concepts
• Discuss a point of view and compare it to that of the author

Reading: Foundational Skills
• Use grade-level phonics and word analysis skills
   Read words with multiple syllables, e.g., mosquito, puppeteer
• Know the meanings of most common prefixes and suffixes
• Read accurately and with understanding

• Write opinion pieces that include a chart or graph and list reasons that support the opinion
• Write informative pieces that name the topic, supply facts, and use linking words and phrases
• Write narrative pieces that introduce a narrator and characters, and write about what the characters say, think, and feel
• Produce writing that is developed, focused, organized, and edited

Speaking and Listening
• Follow rules for discussions by building on what others are saying
• Recall ideas and details from something read aloud
• Plan and deliver an informative presentation
• Speak clearly and in complete sentences

• Use correct grammar
• Write legibly in cursive or joined italics; use margins and spacing
• Choose words and phrases for effect
• Use a variety of sentence types
• Capitalize appropriate words
• Correctly add suffixes to base words
   Sitting, smiled, cries
• Recognize the differences between spoken and written standard English