Multiplication Moments


Minute to Win It

Multiplication Fact Testing will start the week of  March 11!



Learning our multiplication facts is a big part of our 3rd grade math standards. We will work hard on our math fluency in this area. Although we will be learning an array of math skills this year, I recommend students take about 5 minutes a day to practice multiplication facts even if it's not assigned for homework. These minute are appropriately called.......MULTIPLICATION MOMENTS!

0,1,2,5,10's facts were introduced in 2nd grade and should be practiced daily. We will start with a review of these facts, but will continue working on gaining fluency with higher multiplication. By the end of third grade, students will be multiplying greater numbers. In our math book, multiplication is only formerly introduced in Chapters 4 and 5. However, each week in class we will continue to have our multiplication moments to keep our facts fresh. Adding multiplication moments as a daily enrichment activity at home is strongly suggested.

Songs and chants will be used to increase the retention of the new multiplication facts learned. As we learn them in class, practice them with your child at home. For example:

3's- "Jingle Bells"
4's- "Happy Birthday"
6's- "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
7's- "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
8's- "B.I.N.G.O"
9's- Stick'em up (hand trick)

An email with the songs was sent to practice at home.

These games can be used to master any multiplication facts!
Slap It!
Minute to Win It
Tic Tac Toe!
Memory Game!
Fortune Teller!

HELPFUL TOOLS (Click the link)
Multiplication Flashcards  or 2.pdf

Multiplication Fact Practice

Skip Counting Sheet

Multiplication Shooter


Have Fun!!!